*These posts are from coursework answers for my degree, but the Figures that are referred to in the text didn't scan well and have already been handed in. These long posts would probably not interest most people but if you enjoy quite in-depth reading of scientific problems then this may be for you.
Question 2: Describe with the aid of diagrams the histology, ultrastructure, location, and function of cardiac muscle tissue.
Question 2: Describe with the aid of diagrams the histology, ultrastructure, location, and function of cardiac muscle tissue.
The heart itself is a hollow organ consisting of four chambers, weighing
approximately 250g to 350g. The uppermost chambers are smaller and contribute
little to the forceful expulsion of blood from the heart. These are called the
right and left atria. Below these atria are the ventricles, which are much more
muscular and exert a great deal of pressure upon blood during their
contraction. The right and left atria of the heart are divided by the
interatrial septum, a relatively thin wall of muscle. The ventricles are
separated by a thicker wall of muscle termed the interventricular septum. The
four chambers operate as two individual pumps; the right atrium and ventricle
pump deoxygenated blood to the lungs, while the left atrium and ventricle pump
oxygenated blood to the rest of the bodily tissues. The heart is covered by the
pericardium, a thick wall consisting of two layers, namely, the fibrous
pericardium (outer layer) and the serous pericardium (inner). The serous
pericardium is further sub-divided into three thin layers, the parietal layer,
the pericardial cavity, and the visceral layer. The function of the cavity
between these other two layers is to allow the heart to experience relatively
low friction, so that its efforts of pumping are made more efficient and much
less damage is caused by the repeated rubbing together of the two separated
layers. The visceral layer of the serous pericardium is also known as the
epicardium and forms one of three parts of the heart wall. The other parts are
called the myocardium (muscle cells of the heart) and the endocardium. The
epicardium is frequently thought of as being the outer layer of the heart, with
the other previously mentioned layers being the external protective membranes
enclosing it. The epicardium consists of one sheet of squamous epithelial cells
on top of fragile connective tissue. The
endocardium is the innermost layer of the heart wall, it too is composed of
squamous endothelial cells resting on delicate connective tissue. This is the layer that rests on the surface
of each of the chambers of the heart (Jardins, 2008, pp. 188-193).
The myocardium however, is of great importance for this piece of work.
It is the relatively thick layer of the heart wall that is composed of cardiac
muscle cells. These cardiac muscle cells make up most of the heart and it is
their job to ensure that blood building up in the ventricles are subjected to a
high enough level of pressure to be propelled around both the body and lungs
during contraction of the heart. The heart muscles weave together, producing
characteristic shapes of either bundles or spirals that create a network,
joining all areas of the heart together. The general arrangement of cardiac
muscle is illustrated in figure 2.1. This overall assembly is called the
fibrous skeleton of the heart, and reinforces the structural integrity of the
inner myocardium (Jardins, 2008, p. 192). The force produced by the contraction
or shortening of the myocardial fibres in the ventricles is called the
myocardial contractility. When this
force increases, the condition is called positive ionotropism, with negative
ionotropism being the inverse (Jardins, 2008, pp. 210-211).
Cardiac muscle tissue is exclusively found within the heart. Its task is
to contract forcibly, ensuring that blood is pumped throughout the body, where
it can deliver nutrients and oxygen to body cells, especially those respiring
at relatively high rates. It differs from skeletal muscle, and shares some
similarity with many smooth muscle types in that it produces its own
contractions, i.e. cardiac muscle tissue is autorhythmic. Cardiac tissue is also not controlled voluntarily. While the average human being can
affect his or her heart rate indirectly by choosing which activities to engage
in, what foods and drinks to consume (caffeine being a strong stimulus for
increasing the heart rate) and by controlling their rate of breathing, the
contractions of the heart are not controlled directly. One cannot decide to
make their heart beat at a certain rate simply by willing it to occur. Cardiac
muscle cells are cylindrical in shape and branch out, forming connections with
one another called intercalated disks. They are typically 100-500 micrometres
in length and 12-20 micrometres in diameter. Their nucleus or nuclei are
centrally located, but most cardiac muscle cells only contain a single nucleus,
with 2 being uncommon. They are striated, and capable of their own spontaneous
contractions without nervous innervation. (Seeley, Vanputte, Regan and Russo,
2011, pp. 275-276). The basic structure of cardiac muscle cells are shown in
figure 2.2. In this diagram the striations are clearly shown.
Desmosomes are also present within cardiac muscle which helps bind the
cells together. Desmosomes are attachments formed by protein which extend
fibres into the cytoplasms of two adjacent cells, acting as an anchor that
prevents the cells from drifting apart. They are highly useful for bridging
gaps between skeletal or cardiac muscle cells as these types of cell undergo
considerable stresses which would tear them apart if their junctions were weak.
The intercalated disks separating cardiac cells contain gap junctions which
serve the purpose of propagating action potentials, similar to myelin sheaths
which surround nerve cells in the brain. This occurs because gap junctions
contain proteins called connexons which allow small molecules and ions to pass
through them. For this reason, gap junctions are highly useful for the
transmission of electrical impulses (Pack, 2001, pp. 24-25). Both of these
structures and others are shown in figure 2.3. The action potentials are
comparable between both neurons and cardiac muscle cells, except that cardiac
muscle action potentials last longer, followed by a longer period (as compared
to skeletal muscle and nerve cell duration) in which the resting potential
occurs, this may also be described by saying that the cardiac muscle fibres are
in their polarised state (this length of time is called the refractory period),
as shown by Seeley, VanPutte, Regan and Russo (2011), p. 309. While the fibres
of the heart cells are in this resting state, there is an electrical charge
difference between the inside of the cardiac muscle cells and the extracellular
fluid. This difference in charge is called the resting membrane potential or
RMP. This is largely due to the electrolytes potassium, sodium and calcium
(Jardins, 2008, p. 397-398).
Ordinarily, there is close to 40x the concentration of potassium ions
contained within the cardiac cell than outside of it. However, the inside of the cell only contains
about 1/20 the concentration of sodium ions and 1/5 the concentration of calcium
ions compared to the outside of the cell membrane. This large difference in
electrolyte concentrations causes potassium ions to leave the cardiac cell and
sodium ions to enter. However, potassium ions find it very easy to diffuse out
of the cell while sodium ions have more difficulty permeating the membrane. The
result is that roughly 50-75 potassium ion may leave for every sodium ion that
enters. The product of this situation is a relative negativity of the cardiac
cell in relation to its outside environment, due to so many positive ions leaving
the cell. This results in the RMP previously described, giving the cell a
charge of approximately -90 mV (Jardins, 2008, pp. 397-399).
Normally, the muscle fibres of the cardiac ventricles may be stimulated
to contract between 60 and 100 times per minute (i.e. the resting heart rate).
There are 5 main phases of the action potential in cardiac muscle cells. These
are shown below, and in figure 2.4.
Phase 0; the early phase, or phase of rapid depolarization is the prompt
for cardiac muscle contraction and begins due to reception of an electrical
impulse propagated from the sinoatrial, or SA node of the heart. This impulse
encourages the mass influx of sodium ions into the cardiac cell through
specific sodium ion channels and results in a net voltage of +30 mV. This
overall event is termed depolarisation. The rise in voltage of the membrane
potential is very rapid, as shown by the steep upward curve in the diagram,
which is labelled with a zero.
Note the label of the threshold value which is at a very low value on
the graph, barely higher than -90 mV. This shows that cardiac muscles cells are
sufficiently excitable to be stimulated for contraction without much influence
from pacemaker cells.
The phases following phase 0 mark specific stages that the cells go
through in order to repolarise and regain their resting membrane potential.
Phase 1; the initial repolarisation, will occur in which potassium ions
leave the cell, lowering its electrical difference to roughly +10 mV. This is a
relatively quick process but continued repolarisation is prevented by the next
phase, this is why the downward movement marked by a one on the diagram is
Phase 2; the plateau state, calcium ions move into the cell, and lower
the outward diffusion of potassium ions, resulting in a slower rate of
repolarisation and consequently prolonged state of stimulation for the cell.
This causes the myocardial cells to contract for a longer period of time than
other cells that operate by a similar mechanism, for example, neurons and
skeletal muscle cells.
Phase 3: the final rapid depolarisation, at point, the diffusion of
calcium ions into the cell stops occurring and the potassium ions once again
flow rapidly out of the cell, causing it to reach an electrical difference of
-90 mV once again with its surrounding environment.
Phase 4: the resting / polarised state. Finally, sodium, potassium and
calcium ion pumps cause all of the ions to return to their normal
concentrations, allowing the cell to once again become stimulated to contract
(Jardins, 2008, pp. 399-400).
The specially adapted pacemaker cells of the heart have the ability to
generate their own action potential without external stimulation.
Parasympathetic and sympathetic stimulation from the nervous system can slow
down or speed up cardiac contractions, but the heart muscles are capable of
contracting by themselves.
Figure 2.5 shows the conductive system of the heart. The electrical
cycle is initiated at the sinoatrial (SA) node, also known as the pacemaker of
the heart, which is located in the right atrium. The impulse produced here is
conducted through both the right and left atria. In the former, it travels
through the anterior, middle, and posterior intermodal tracts, which join at
the atrioventricular (AV) junction. The left atrium receives its electrical
impulses via the Bachmann’s bundle which conducts it from the SA node. Both of these
atria contract at the same time, which pumps blood into their respective
ventricles. At this point, the AV junction transmits the signal along the
bundle of His and into the ventricles. This bundle separates (shown at the
bottom of figure 2.5) into two separate bundle branches which consist of
Purkinje fibres which spread along the apex (base of the heart) and direct
themselves towards the heart’s base. (Jardins, 2008, pp. 402-403).
The heart is required to pump blood through both the pulmonary and
systemic circulatory systems. Blood is pumped to the lungs via the right
ventricle, and to all other tissues from the left ventricle. The atria are
involved in these contractions, but to a relatively low extent, and thus are
routinely ignored due to consideration of the ventricles. Given the much
greater distance of blood travel that the left ventricle must support, it contains
more cardiac muscle cells and pumps blood at a higher pressure. When the blood
travels around the body, waste products such as carbon dioxide diffuse into the
blood stream, possibly binding to haemoglobin, and are transported ultimately
to the right ventricle of the heart, where they can be taken to the lungs and
breathed out. According to Seeley, VanPutte, Regan and Russo (2011), p. 675,
there are 4 main functions of the heart which are shown below.
Firstly, the generation of blood pressure, which is produced by the
forceful contractions of the cardiac muscle. Without this blood pressure the
blood would either not travel the full distance along blood vessels to the
cells of the body and lungs, or would travel slowly enough to lead to pathology.
This condition is known as circulatory hypoxia and can occur for a few
different reasons, but in this specific case the sluggish movement of blood
through peripheral blood vessels can lead to inadequate unloading of oxygen
molecules in order to oxygenate tissues. These tissue cells will undergo
metabolic reactions at roughly their normal rate, but the slowly moving red
blood cells will have already lost oxygen molecules, causing a reduced oxygen
pressure gradient between them and the respiring cells. Thus, oxygen will be
delivered to the tissue at a reduced rate, resulting in hypoxia (elaborated
upon by Jardins, 2008, p.261).
Secondly, the separation of blood returning from and travelling to, both
the pulmonary and system circulatory systems. This allows deoxygenated blood to
become oxygenated by travelling through the lungs, and then subsequently be
pumped around the body. The result of this is that there is a greater
efficiency in the transport of oxygen and waste products around the body, than
if these two circulations were combined.
Thirdly, blood is kept flowing in its intended direction. This is
achieved by valves present in the heart that prevent the backflow of blood. If
this were not the case then blood could pool inside the heart without reaching
its necessary destination.
Lastly, the heart controls the supply of blood to other cells in the
body as a whole (lungs included). The pressure and frequency of cardiac muscle
cell contraction regulates the amount of blood passing tissue at any given
time. This allows the heart to change condition of blood flow based on how much
oxygen / nutrients are needed by other cells, and how much waste must be
removed from these cells as well. During exercise for example, a person’s
bodily cells would both require more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to
respiring tissue, as well as needing more carbon dioxide and related metabolic
by-products to be removed at the same time. Such a circumstance calls for a
higher rate and forcefulness of cardiac muscle cell contraction, i.e. an
increase in both frequency and myocardial contractility, with the latter also
known as positive ionotropism. Both of
these factors increase the cardiac output, i.e. the amount of blood that is
pumped by the blood per unit of time.
The equation for cardiac output (CO) is given below:
CO = HR x SV
Where HR is heart rate and SV is stroke volume. The heart rate is
determined by many factors such as blood pressure and sympathetic and
parasympathetic stimulation of cardiac muscle, whereas stroke volume is mainly
controlled by the following three factors: ventricular preload, ventricular
afterload, and contractility of myocardial cells (Jardins, 2008, p. 209).
The term ventricular preload describes the extent to which myocardial
fibres stretch before contracting (at the end of diastole). Under normal
circumstances, the greater the stretching, the greater the force of contraction
and resultant cardiac output (Jardins, 2008, p. 209).
Ventricular afterload then, is the force that the ventricles must
overcome in order to pump blood. This is determined by the viscosity and volume
of blood that must be pumped, the resistance of peripheral blood vessels, and
the cross-sectional area of lumen that the blood is pumped into. This
information explains the left ventricular hypertrophy experienced in
atherosclerosis. The systolic pressure of arteries is increased in order to
compensate for a reduced vessel lumen due to the build-up of atherosclerotic
plaque, which means that the left ventricle must work harder in order to
overcome a greater resistive force (ventricular afterload) and pump blood
around the body. The introduction of a stent in an affected artery increases
the size of the lumen, decreasing the resistance experienced by the blood and
reducing the effort of the left ventricle, among other benefits. (Jardins,
2008, pp. 209-210).
Finally, contractility of the myocardium, has been mentioned briefly
above as the force produced by the shortening (or contraction) of muscle fibres
in the ventricles.
Given the chief importance of cardiac function in the body, it is vital
that the heart be able to produce energy from various different sources.
Schmidt (2000, p. 119) explains that the heart is more than capable of breaking
down ketones and fatty acids, even when glucose is adequately present, for its
energy requirements.
A rough formula for estimating how fast a heart may beat at its maximum
frequency is shown below:
Maximum heart rate = 220 – age
Thus, we can see that there is a general rule that as one ages, the
maximum frequency of heart rate decreases. While beyond the scope of this
article, the reasons for this are interesting to note briefly. The reasons for
why aging may decrease maximum heart rate are possibly that as age increases,
oxygen supply to heart muscle increases, or that compliance in heart cells
decreases with age, or also, that there is an increase in connective tissue
infiltrating SA and AV junctions, as well as bundle branches (Jardins, 2008,
pp. 387-388).
Question 2 References:
T.D., 2008. Cardiopulmonary Anatomy &
Physiology Essentials of Respiratory Care 5th ed. USA, NY:
Nelson Education, Ltd.
A.L., 2013. Junqueira’s Basic Histology
Text & Atlas, 13th ed. China: The McGraw-Hill Companies.
Pack, P.E.,
2001. Anatomy and Physiology, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley
Publishing, Inc.
Schmidt, F.,
2000. Biochemistry II, New York, NY:
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Seeley, R.R,
VanPutte, C.L., Regan, J. and Russo, A.F., 2011. Seeley’s Anatomy & Physiology, 9th ed. New York, NY:
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